Backpackers’ Handbook

Read some paragraphs from my traveller's advice collection which will be, if all goes well, published some day in English as well. Write some remarks and comments and send them to me!
1.    From the Introduction:
    …In general, the word "traveller" denotes every travelling person, or at least a person travelling out of genuine pleasure, with a wish for exploring. More specifically, the real traveller is one who travels either alone, with a partner, or in an unorganized group. Such a person wants to travel as far as possible, spending as little as possible. That means that he will hitchhike, travel with a bike, a motorcycle or a van. He will sleep in a sleeping bag under the sky, in a vehicle, or in the cheapest hotel; he will get around by lowest-class train or bus and carry all his posessions around in a backpack.
Orthodox backpackers strictly distinct themselves from turists.
to be continued
text & photo: Janin Klemenčič