Trieste, Italy

It used to be an industrial city but the pollution became too much. They have turned to cleaner businesses - banking and insurance. They also have a stock exchange.

Today was another beautiful day, although it's overcast and a storm is coming.

We left Trieste, Italy and drove south, we passed over its border into Slovenia; then a few miles later over its border into Croatia.

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Trieste, Italy 3 Concentration Camp With A Crematorium

 Under German occupation, the only concentration camp with a crematorium on Italian soil was built in Trieste, at a former rice processing plant, on 4 April 1944. About 5000 Slavs, Italian anti-Fascists and Jews died at the camp, while thousands more were imprisoned before being transferred to other concentration camps in Germany. So this camp was mostly about killing political rivals. I have pictures for you. The camp has been turned into a museum, with the designer taking liberties to make you picture what went on there without having to see the actual horror.

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Trieste, Italy 2

Trieste was one of the oldest parts of the Habsburg Monarchy, belonging to it from 1382 until after World War I in 1918. As a prosperous seaport in the Mediterranean region, Trieste became the fourth largest city of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Trieste underwent an economic revival during the 1930s and became an important spot in the struggle between the Eastern and Western blocs after the Second World War.

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Trieste, Italy 1 Gelato Did The Job

The bus then took us on down the road, more south and west to Trieste, Italy; right across the border from Slovenia. We checked into a beautiful hotel and took a short orientation walk around the hotel that is right on the Adriatic Sea. The restaurants don't open until 7pm!!! So we had to have some famous Italian gelato (better than our ice cream) to hold us over until dinner!!! And of course, it did the job!!!

Trieste is city and a seaport in northeastern Italy. It is situated towards the end of a narrow strip of Italian territory lying between the Adriatic Sea and Slovenia. It is also located near Croatia some 19 miles further south. It is also 30 miles east of Venice, our next stop.

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